Where we are
GPS Coordinations: Latitude: 43.446789 - Longitude: 11.116714 | 43°26'48.4"N 11°07'00.2"E
How to reach us
- Save the map in pdf format and follow the instructions below.
- From the A1 motorway exit at Firenze Impruneta.
- After the exit, turn right towards Siena.
- Drive along the freeway for approx. 30 km up to Poggibonsi Nord (the fifth exit).
- At the roundabout follow the directions for San Gimignano.
- Follow the main road up to the next roundabout close to the Pam supermarket on your left.
- At the roundabout go right following the directions for San Gimignano.
- At the next three roundabouts keep going straight, always following the directions for San Gimignano.
- At the fourth roundabout, turn left towards Terenzano. The road becomes unsurfaced and starts climbing.
- Keep going straight following the directions for Podere il Pino, located 2.4 km away.
Podere il Pino: Località Il Pino, 5 - Casella postale 304 - 53036 Poggibonsi Siena Italy
Coordinate GPS: Latitudine: 43.446789 - Longitudine: 11.116714
Tel. 1: +39 0577 980700 - Mobile: +39 335 7082113 - Fax: +39 0577 974207
E-mail: info@podereilpino.it
Prenotazioni e Info: (0039) 335 7082113 - (0039) 0577 980700